A Funny Life
- Author Michael McIntyre
- Narrator Michael McIntyre
- Publisher Pan Macmillan
- Run Time 8 hours and 44 minutes
- Format Audio
- Genre Autobiography: arts and entertainment, Biography and non-fiction prose, Comedy and stand-up, Film, television, radio genres: Comedy and humour, Humour, Memoirs, The Arts.
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What to expect
The Sunday Times top 10 bestseller.
Laugh along with Michael McIntyre as he lifts the curtain on his life in his revealing autobiography. This audio edition is hilariously read by Michael himself.
Michael’s first book ended with his big break at the 2006 Royal Variety Performance. Waking up the next morning in the tiny rented flat he shared with his wife Kitty and their one-year-old son, he was beyond excited about the new glamorous world of show business. Unfortunately, he was also clueless . . .
In A Funny Life, Michael honestly and hilariously shares the highs and the lows of his rise to the top and desperate attempts to stay there. It’s all here, from his disastrous panel show appearances to his hit TV shows, from mistakenly thinking he’d be a good chat show host and talent judge, to finding fame and fortune beyond his wildest dreams and becoming the biggest-selling comedian in the world. Along the way he opens his man drawer, narrowly avoids disaster when his trousers fall down in front of three policemen and learns the hard way why he should always listen to his wife.
Michael has had a silly life, a stressful life, sometimes a moving and touching life, but always A Funny Life.
Critics Review
There are plenty of guffaws but it can be moving too
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