A Maid’s Ruin

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What to expect

'I do believe, Molly, that you have grown into a fine young woman right under our very noses and we hadn't even
noticed. I will speak to your uncle. Perhaps he knows of a suitable young man, in trade in town perhaps, whom he could introduce to you. You're nearly eighteen now, Molly. It's time to start thinking about your future.'

Critics Review

  • An impressively researched Cinderella tale of a sweetly ambitious country girl, deserving of a better life than being her aunt’s drudge. Feisty, but too innocent with men, she falls unwisely in love and is forced to find a new life and place to call home. Themes of art and horticulture perfectly link the locations of Kent and London and the City tavern scenes with their lusty characters, are a particular delight. I loved this five star book

    Kay Brellend, author of A Workhouse Christmas
  • An engaging, thoroughly researched tale of youthful naivety and courage in the face of adversity, full of rich detail and imagination. Highly recommended!

    RoNA award-winning, bestselling novelist Tania Crosse

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