How To Be Rich
- Author Benjamin Fry
- Narrator Benjamin Fry
- Publisher Little, Brown Book Group
- Run Time 2 hours and 4 minutes
- Format Audio
- Genre Psychology.
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What to expect
Are you fed up with money being a source of worry rather than pleasure?
The feeling of not having enough money is one of today's main causes of stress, but now you can equip yourself to change this. With Benjamin Fry's guidance you can achieve a positive attitude to money, end the worry and leave yourself free to increase your wealth: change how you think about your money and you will change how much money you have.
How To Be Rich breaks down the negative attitudes to money that have become so ingrained in our lives that we don't even realise they're there. Revealing the five common problems, and the straightforward methods to recognise them, Benjamin's programme will empower you to stop worrying about debt and start to enjoy your new abundant life.
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