In the Days of Drake

  • Author J. S. Fletcher
  • Narrator John Rayburn
  • Run Time 4 hours and 13 minutes
  • Format Audio
  • Genre Historical fiction.
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In the beginning of this story, the author told of what had inspired him. He wrote:

“In the whole history of the English people there is no period so absolutely heroic, so full of enthralling interest, as that in which the might of England made itself apparent by land and sea—the period which saw good Queen Bess mistress of English hearts and Englishmen and sovereign of the great beginnings which came to such a magnificent fruition under Victoria. That was indeed a golden time—an age of great venture and enterprise—a period wherein men’s hearts were set on personal valor and bravery—the day of great deeds and of courage most marvelous. To write down a catalogue of all the names that then were glorious, to make a list of all the daring deeds that were then done—this was an impossible task for the most painstaking of statisticians, the most conscientious of historians and chroniclers. Whether they stand high on the scroll of fame or lie forgotten in some quiet graveyard or in the vast oceans which they crossed, it was they, and they only, who laid the great foundations of the England and the United States of to-day.” Here is a chance to hear more about those sensational by-gone days.

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