The Battle For A Home

  • Author Griff Hosker
  • Narrator Mark Elstob
  • Publisher Lamplight Audiobooks
  • Run Time 8 hours and 34 minutes
  • Format Audio
  • Genre Historical fiction.
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What to expect

When Jarl Gunnar Thorfinnson is killed by Saxons and his wife and son slain it throws the clan on Raven Wing Island into disarray. Internal divisions and strife is only stopped when Siggi White Hair becomes jarl. A raid on Frankia gives Hrolf the Horseman a vision of his dream of a new home. When treachery strikes and the Bretons attack it seems that all of his dreams will be destroyed before he can make them a reality. An exciting and fast moving novel this part of Hrolf's life ends when he lands in what will become, eventually, Normandy and he battles Vikings and Franks for a new home.

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