The Decoded Company

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As consumers we intuitively understand the benefits of being decoded

Google amazes us by generating answers before we’ve even finished asking a question. Facebook curates our uniquely individual newsfeeds. Spotify and Netflix use learning algorithms to customize our experience. At home, we choose companies that have figured out how to personalize our news, shopping, entertainment, travel, and learning needs.

At most workplaces, it's still one-size-fits-all policies, processes, and tools. Yet companies like Google, Starbucks, and Whole Foods have turned their algorithms inward to decode their talent. Their goal is not to get the better of their talent, but to empower the best from their people.

The Decoded Company distills how this process works into three transformative ideas.

· Technology Can be a Coach, personalizing processes to the individual based on experience and offering training interventions precisely at the teachable moment.
· Data Can Be a Sixth Sense, codifying organizational battle scars using actual code that watches your blind spots and gives your people a decision making superpower.
· The third is that Engineered Ecosystems will prevail over hierarchies, reducing bureaucracy, increasing transparency, and be wildly inspiring to teams.

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