The Path to Being a Pastor
- Author Bobby Jamieson
- Narrator Bobby Jamieson
- Publisher Crossway
- Run Time 4 hours and 16 minutes
- Format Audio
- Genre Christianity.
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What to expect
A man who's been transformed by Christ and desires to preach the gospel might say he feels called to be a pastor.
This personal conviction, while heartfelt, doesn't acknowledge important, challenging steps necessary to be a qualified leader. So where should full-time ministry begin?
In The Path to Being a Pastor, Bobby Jamieson explains why it's better to emphasize "aspiration" over "calling" as men pursue the office of elder and encourages readers to make sure they are pastorally gifted before considering the role. He shares from his own eleven-year experience preparing to be a pastor by walking potential leaders through different stages of ministry training, from practical steps—such as cultivating godly ambition and leadership, observing healthy churches, and mastering Scripture—to personal advice on building a strong family and succeeding in seminary. Emphasizing the importance of prayer, godly counsel, and immersion in the local church, Jamieson encourages men to ask Am I qualified? instead of Am I called? when considering a life in ministry.
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