The Winning of the West, Vol. 2
- Author Theodore Roosevelt
- Narrator Joseph Tabler
- Run Time 9 hours and 48 minutes
- Format Audio
- Genre History, History of the Americas.
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What to expect
A Dusty Tomes Audio BookIn Cooperation with Spoken Realms
The Winning of the West, Volume 2: From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1777–1783 by Theodore Roosevelt. A Major US History Series in Four Volumes. G.P. Putnam’s Sons 1889.
Narrated by Joseph TablerNote: This book is “read as written.” It was published in 1889. It is in the public domain.
We all know of Theodore Roosevelt being the US president from 1901 to 1909, an American politician, statesman, soldier, conservationist, and naturalist. BUT few know of him being an acclaimed historian. Roosevelt’s The Winning of the West quickly became a bestseller. The first edition of his book sold out in little more than a month and helped establish Roosevelt as a literary man and scholar, placing him on a path toward future greatness. (Gordon T. Belt’s The Posterity Project).
CHAPTER I. The War in the Northwest, 1777–1778CHAPTER II. Clark’s Conquest of the Illinois, 1778CHAPTER III. Clark’s Campaign against Vincennes, 1779CHAPTER IV. Continuance of the Struggle in Kentucky and the Northwest, 1779–1781CHAPTER V. The Moravian Massacre, 1779–1783CHAPTER VI. The Administration of the Conquered French Settlements, 1779–1783CHAPTER VII. Kentucky until the End of the Revolution, 1782–1783CHAPTER VIII. The Holston Settlements, 1777–1779CHAPTER IX. King’s Mountain, 1780CHAPTER X. The Holston Settlements to the End of the Revolution, 1781–1783CHAPTER XI. Robertson Founds the Cumberland Settlement, I779–1780CHAPTER XII. The Cumberland Settlements to the Close of the Revolution, 1781–1783CHAPTER XIII. What the Westerners had Done During the Revolution
Audio cover picture: Theodore Roosevelt
Dusty Tomes Audio Books are public domain books retrieved from the ravages of time. Available as never before, as audio books, for your edification, pleasure, and consideration. Please excuse the dust.
Critics Review
“The different idea that McMaster was laboriously illustrating was vehemently given in 1889 by the irruption into historiography of Theodore Roosevelt, aged thirty-one, with his Winning of the West. The formal opening of this field was a capital fact of American historiography. It signified the beginning of a serious evaluation of a great drama in human progress—a drama that had unfolded almost without intelligent notice through a century. The history of pioneering from the Appalachians to the Pacific, and its part in the building up of the nation.”
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