Tugging on the Sleeve of Fame
- Author Gary Craig
- Narrator Gary Craig
- Run Time 7 hours and 29 minutes
- Format Audio
- Genre Biography: arts and entertainment.
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What to expect
Gary Craig, actor, singer, and renowned radio personality, amused audiences on stage, film, television, and radio. He punked Walter Cronkite and tricked Whitney Houston. He shadowed Larry King, enthused Larry David, and acted with Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, and Christian Bale. Hartford’s #1 morning radio personality finally pulls the mask from the myriad of myths surrounding him. Hilarious anecdotes, riotous pranks, and sidesplitting stories regale you with the raucous roots of his radio reign from humble beginnings to his current spectacular ratings on Hartford’s beloved WTIC-FM morning show, Craig and Company. Follow his footsteps as an underdog struggling to secure a niche career while reaching for the stars to follow his dreams. His upbeat, ribald, all-American success story radiates joy and illustrates an inspiring example of how hard work and a determination to overcome obstacles can propel a man to achieve what others can only dream.
Larry King says, “I’ve known Gary a long time, and he’s a super talent!”
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