Donella Meadows Thinking in Systems Audiobook and Ebook in one on xigxag

🌳 Chelsea Green Publishing 🌳

We are so excited to welcome Chelsea Green Publishing to xigxag! Chelsea Green are an American publishing company, based in Vermont specialising in non-fiction books on progressive politics and sustainable living. 🌿

Some of Chelsea Green’s top authors include Donella Meadows, Hilary Powell, Daniel Edelstyn, Derek Gow, Doug Fine, Jane Davidson, Martin Shaw, Rob Hopkins, MichaΓ«l Friedman, Ben Hartman, Ray Anderson, John A. Lanier, RuairΓ­ McKiernan, Charlotte Dennett, Gabe Brown, Ben Goldfarb, Charles Thompson, Jr., Doug Bierend and Judith D. Schwartz.

All the CGP titles are available as x-books, so don’t miss out on the brilliant illustrations – in particular, of Derek Gow’s Bringing Back the Beaver. 🦫

✌️peace and planet 🌍

xigxag 2025 all rights reserved

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