All Doctor/patient relationship Titles
Audiobooks about the doctor-patient relationship can be found in various genres, including medical non-fiction, memoirs, and fiction. These audiobooks delve into the complexities of the relationship between doctors and patients, exploring the ways in

The First Cell
Azra Raza

Why We Revolt, 2nd Edition
Victor Montori

Patient Care The Sandler Way
Donna Bak

Grief Connects Us
Joseph D. Stern, MD

Blood Brother
Susan Keller

Allan V. Horowitz

How to Get the Right Diagnosis
Randolph H. Pherson

In Shock
Dr Rana Awdish

Seven Signs of Life
Aoife Abbey

Supercharge Your Brain
James Goodwin

34 Patients
Tom Templeton

Patient 1
Charlotte Raven with Dr Ed Wild