All Legal systems: civil procedure, litigation and dispute resolution Titles

Hollywood Vampires
Kelly Loudenberg and Makiko Wholey

The Handbook of Conflict Resolution
Peter T. Coleman, Morton Deutsch, Eric C. Marcus

Leadership and Self-Deception, F...
The Arbinger Institute

Having Difficult Conversations
Harvard Business Review

Mastering Business Negotiation
Roy J. Lewicki, Alexander Hiam

Collaborating with the Enemy
Adam Kahane

Toxic Exposure
Chadi Nabhan, MD, MBA, FACP

Getting Back to the Table
Joshua N. Weiss

Quantum Negotiation
Stephan M. Mardyks, Karen S. Walch, Joerg Schmitz

Leadership and Self-Deception, 3...
The Arbinger Institute

Turning People into Teams
Mary Sherwin, David Sherwin

Broken Business
Jose R. Hernandez