All Social research and statistics Titles
Audiobooks on social research and statistics are essential reading materials for researchers, scholars, and students involved in research in the social sciences. These audiobooks cover various areas of research, including research design, data collec
The Princeton Guide to Historica...
Zachary M. Schrag
No Way to Treat a Child
Naomi Schaefer Riley
Fooled by the Winners
David Lockwood
Telling Lies
Paul Ekman
Rohit Bhargava
The Art of Uncertainty
David Spiegelhalter
Learning From Strangers
Robert S. Weiss
The Art of Statistics
David Spiegelhalter
May Contain Lies
Alex Edmans
The Psychology of Secrets
Andrew Gold
The Price of Life
Jenny Kleeman
When She’s in the Room
Edwina Dunn