Every New Year brings with it a sense of hope and optimism, but along with that comes the pressure to make resolutions. Whether it be to get healthier or to spend more time with friends and family, everyone has their own list of goals they want to achieve. But what are the 10 most popular New Year’s resolutions in the UK?
Let’s take a look at some of the most common resolutions and how you can use audiobooks to achieve them and make 2023 your best year yet!
1. Exercise More
This is one of the most popular resolutions for a reason. Research shows that regular physical activity can have numerous health benefits including improved mental health and increased energy levels. In addition, exercise can lead to weight loss and improved cardiovascular health. ‘The Power of Fastercise’ is a great title for anyone looking to get started. It offers a program of short burst, high intensity workouts to help you achieve your fitness goals. As with any exercise program, it’s always good to get the go-ahead from your doctor first.
The Power of Fastercise by Denis Wilson MD
2. Lose Weight
Along with exercise, people often set weight-loss goals as part of their new year’s resolution. If this is on your list, check out The Noom Mindset. It’s packed with secret strategies for changing behaviour, from the makers of the fastest growing health app. This is the first time the psychology behind the app has been revealed outside of their paid program, and it’s all included.
3. Get Organised
A cluttered home can leave you feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. That’s why “getting organised” is one of the UK’s most popular new year’s resolutions. Stacey Solomon has recently released her follow-up to the bestselling ‘Tap To Tidy’. ‘Tap To Tidy At Pickle Cottage’ takes listeners around every room in Stacey’s new home and reveals how she transformed her environment and how you can too. Expect quick fixes, tips and DIY tricks galore.
Tap To Tidy At Pickle Cottage by Stacey Solomon
4. Learn A New Skill
This year why not challenge yourself and learn something new? Doing so can help stimulate the brain and give you a new zest for life. No matter what skill you choose to learn, dedicating yourself to mastering it will be highly rewarding! Did you know that we have plenty of audiobooks that can help you learn a new language? Learn Italian while you workout, or Spanish while you fold your laundry. Pick up Mandarin on your commute or Japanese during your lunch break. It’s all possible with the right audiobook.
Learn Italian with Paul Noble by Paul Noble
5. Live Life To The Full
Every day, we are given the opportunity to make things happen, experience new places and cultures, and push our limits to achieve anything we desire. No matter our current circumstances, it is still possible to find beauty in everyday situations and cultivate a sense of appreciation for the opportunities available. ‘Four Thousand Weeks’ by Oliver Burkeman offers a unique and thought-provoking way of looking at the limited time we have available, and how we choose to spend it. If you are tired of productivity hacks and hustle culture, or you find yourself complaining that there aren’t enough hours in the day, then this is for you.
Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman
6. Save Money
We suspect this resolution will be even more prevalent this year with the cost of living crisis we all face. If you haven’t already, it might be the right time to cancel that audiobook subscription – with xigxag you can still enjoy great prices on audiobooks, without having to pay when you don’t have time to listen. Stretching your money further can seem like a daunting task in today’s world, but Money Mum‘s ‘Save Yourself Happy’ is full of deals and mindset tips to help.
Save Yourself Happy by Money Mum
7. Quit Smoking
Quitting smoking is never an easy task and can be filled with stress and frustrations. But there are ways to create a successful plan for yourself that will reduce the fear and anxiety associated with quitting. We have the number one bestselling guide to quitting smoking by Allen Carr available on xigxag and it’s available as an x-book® which means you can refer to text, save text quotes, search and more. The only reference guide you’ll need this year.
Quit Smoking Boot Camp by Allen Carr
8. Connect With Others
Studies indicate that having strong relationships also provides mental health benefits, decreasing feelings of loneliness and improving overall wellbeing. With the complexities of our modern lives, it can be difficult to find the time and energy to nurture our relationships but making an effort is a worthwhile resolution. ‘Conflicted’ by Ian Leslie offers support for tricky relationships and guidelines on how to find common ground in a divided society.
9. Travel More
After the last few years of lockdowns and restrictions, it’s not surprising that travel will see a boost in new year’s resolutions. What are the least impactful methods of travel on the planet, and how can we be more eco-conscious in our adventures? This title offers advice on how to embrace travel whilst still living a sustainable life.
Go Lightly by Nina Karnikowski
10. Read More
And finally, this is where xigxag can really help you meet your goals this year.
Audiobooks offer a great way to access books on the go, whether you’re commuting or exercising. By listening to audiobooks rather than reading them, you can fit reading into your daily life in an easy and convenient way. Additionally, they make it easier to power through long books that may be challenging to read; you can just sit back, relax, and let someone else’s voice do the work.
Audiobooks offer more than just convenience; they bring books alive by allowing us to experience them in ways traditional printed books won’t allow. With talented narrators adding colour and nuance to the stories, we are sure to complete more books than if we simply read them ourselves.
Plus with xigxag, there’s no subscription or contract, so you can finish more books in the way that best suits your lifestyle and budget. Plus you’ll never pay more than £7.99 per title.
Why not set a reading goal this year, and keep track of your listening stats in the xigxag app?
Setting new year’s resolutions is an excellent way to focus on improving yourself but it is important not to put too much pressure on yourself. Take things one step at a time so that you don’t become overwhelmed by all the changes you want to make in your life this year.
With dedication, hard work, and these audiobook recommendations, 2023 could truly be your best year yet! Good luck!